Shaping the sexual experiences of a generation
Young Australians are learning about sexual strangulation from pornography, partners, peers, social media and mainstream popular culture.
These powerful influences are shaping the sexual expectations and experiences of a generation of young people, according to research recently released by Melbourne University and The University of Queensland.
The survey of 4,702 young Australians revealed that 61% were exposed to depictions of strangulation during sex via pornography.
Many young people we have spoken with assume that strangulation will be pleasurable and safe – perhaps because it looks that way in porn or they know people who have done it and claim it is safe.
But strangulation experts advise that there is no safe way to strangle – and the consequences are not just at the point of strangulation, but may occur in the minutes, hours, days, weeks and months that follow.
A huge thank you to the incredible young people who shared their reflections on this issue with us so other young people can hear that there is no safe way to strangle.